ما در دنیای عجییب و غریبی زندگی میکنیم
آیا طراح بیکنی اون خانومه میدونسته داره
چیکار میکنه ؟
فکر کنم از مردم ایران اگه بپرسی میگن حتما
منظور سیاسی داشته
ولی شاید یارو که تو عمرش چینی نوشته هیچوقت
نمیدونسته معنی اون علامت چیه؟
میدونید یه چیزی که ما ایرانی ها خیلی از دست دادیم
مثبت فکر کردنه
I cannot believe my eyes.
We are living in a wierd world.
Did the bikini designer know what
he was doing ?
I think If we ask people in Iran this question,
they would all say that it has some political meaning behind it.
But maybe that disnger who has always lived
in china had no idea what that symbol represents.
Do you know what we Iranians have lost?
Thinking positively.